Rebecca Stevens
Oct 24, 2020


Hi Julia, I can see your articles and those of all the people I follow in the top right hand corner of my page. What is weird are my stats. It tells me readers read a 4 minute story for only 23 seconds. That doesn't make any sense because the total member reading time is normal and I am still getting claps. I haven't been on Medium long enough to see a significant change to my earnings. I wonder if they are trying a beta version in certain geographies and not others. I read in an article 2 weeks ago that Medium had removed claps. The comments to that article confirmed that some users could no longer see claps while others could. For a newbie on the platform, I'm getting a bit nervous - first there was the issue with the terms and conditions, and now this. We are writers and we should be given the peace to write and not spend our time pointing out the errors the platform is making. Writers are the engine of Medium, we are its heart and we deserve to be treated better.



Rebecca Stevens

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.